Nov 15, 2011

how i motivate me

{ -- my litte bud hanging out w/me on the couch -- }

It's not easy but, then again, sometimes it is. I have to admit, half the time my motivation comes from others around me that have hurt me. Moving on from that has been a great push for me to keep being the better person. Life is, after all, a step-by-step/day-by-day process. What's in the past, is past and you can't change that. But, I can change what happens in the future. Or, at least, make better choices for myself. Part of that has been letting go of the people that have hurt me. It's been a lot easier than I thought and I've welcomed the ones who have supported me and have opened up more to them. Not only that but I've made new friends as well that are inspirational to me. That have drive and motivation in what they do; day in, day out. Whether it be their career or their personal lives; like cooking/eating healthy and working out. Generally someone who doesn't think life is a burdon and that they deserve something they really don't. Someone who works hard, enjoys life and looks at the positive side.

What else motivates me? The drive to not disappoint. To not take advantage and to not be like the others have been. My family and friends. I thank the people in my life for being there for me. For listening; whether they like my choices or not, they've heard me and they don't give up on me.

It's not healthy being so negative and we all have to learn to forgive and maybe not necessarily forget...but to move on and learn from it all. I hold no anger anymore and I'm happy to let go because I'm in a much better place. I'm honestly happy these days and can prove it with a smile...which I do every day.

What motivates you?


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