Feb 28, 2012


{ -- my girl doing her workout thang -- }

I have tried most workouts...seems like I have. I've done yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, personal training, boot camp and general workouts in the gym by myself or with a friend. I go back to the gym atmosphere every once in a blue moon and I'll push in a yoga DVD when I'm just too tired or feel more like stretching than getting a ton of cardio in but none of these workouts have ever stuck with me.

In 2002, I was at my first full-time gig, doing my real-time career along with a couple of other young girls starting out as well and I was on a mission to count calories and do all the necessary steps to avoid gaining weight. I'd like to say I have this amazing weight loss story...but, I don't. It's more of a preventative weight gain story.

I always hated working out in High School but I started to get heavier and as soon as I hit the double digits in jean size (women can relate), I joined a gym and worked out like crazy. I lost the weight I'd initially gained and got back to my 'normal' size but I hit my plateau and started to hate the gym. But, when I started this new job, one of the girls commiserated with me and introduced me to...Jazzercise.

Now, my GRANDMA did Jazzercise...years and years ago and my perception, like most, was not necessarily good? Anytime Jazzercise is brought up in any conversation, there are always smirks but I tell you, it's a workout not to be messed with. I went with this co-worker and was immediately addicted and have been a member and kept off the weight for over 9 years now. It is the one workout I look forward to, feel challenged in and know I will finish to the end. Who doesn't like to shake their booty...literally off their body?

Jazzercise is an hour long class consisting of cardio, weights, target training and stretching. It's an entire body workout and you burn up to 500 calories a class! Go to the gym and burn 500 calories on your own...boooooring! Just last week, I went to four classes (one was a half class) and burned over 1,500 calories. Feels great and I'm not stopping. I'm back in my grove this year and there's no turning back :)


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