Nov 19, 2012

monday pick me up

Mondays are hard, no doubt — but I also feel like it's another start. Another "go" at a new week. In a way, we get to start over everyday because what's happened the day before, we can't take back but since Mondays are...well, Mondays, this is the day I am choosing to deal with this challenge. Here, on Mondays, will be my attempt at finding things I'm grateful for that happened over the weekend. Here I go...

{ -- my little booger the day I took him home -- }

  1. Eddie went to the spa. He was a HOT mess! So, it's nice to have a cleaned up puppy to snuggle with. Also, today is his birthday. He's two!
  2. Friday night I went out with a couple girl friends to dinner and a movie. We saw the last Twilight installment :) It was so fun to see them and the horribly, terrific movie.
  3. Saturday was the last NE Husker home game (last one is the day after Thanksgiving, away) and I went with my dad, my grandma and a good friend. Was cold but fun. I love going to the games.
  4. Not having to work. It's been several years since I've held a job where I had to work the weekend. I'm very lucky to be in a full-time gig where I don't have to do weekend work anymore.
  5. Naps! After taking Eddie in for his spa appointment, I took a long nap and it felt great :)
Hope your Monday is going well and you have things to be grateful for!

Lots of <3

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